Present Pirates


Ciaran Berminghan   - Santa 

Gareth O Connor – Poggle the Elf

Charlie Krantz - Captain Crabbe - 

Sinead Murphy - Twinkle The Fairy 

Mariae Smiarowska  - Pirate/Doc The Dog 

Written by Shay Healy & Michael Scott

Directed  by Michael Scott

Setting and Costumes – Michael McCaffery

Lighting - Michael Scott


By Shay Healy & Michael Scott

Directed by Michael Scott

Music By Shay Healy & Michael Scott

SANTA and his Chief Elf POGGLE have packed the sleigh full of presents at the North Pole late on Christmas Eve, Doc his faithful dog “DOC” is  keeping guard. Santa sits down to have some tea and biscuits before they set off and he falls asleep in his favourite chair.

When he’s asleep, CAPTAIN CRABBE and his crew of wicked Pirates sneak in and steal all the Christmas presents and Doc, Santa’s dog gets kidnapped as well)cos’  he was hiding in the presents keeping guard.)

When Santa wakes up there’s no evidence of who took the presents, except for a big black flag over the fireplace with a skull and cross bones drawn on it. It can mean one thing only….The Present Pirates!

SANTA, POGGLE the elf,  TWINKLE the fairy try to track the pirates down, rescue Doc and get the presents back and save Christmas before it’s too late. 

Together they embark on a series of adventures taking them to the pirate cave,  where they meet a host of colourful characters - the madcap Tucans, MYRTLE THE MERMAID, who help - and  hinder - them in their search for CAPTAIN CRABBE  and the presents before CAPTAIN CRABBE has time to DOC the Dog to his pet shark…


This fantastic production mixes music, song, puppets and actors  in a  magical adventure for Christmas

Music by Shay Healy & Michael Scott

from this and another of our productions for Children

 available on Bandcamp   

see below ...


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